Modern Mame Stays In Style

Modern Mame Stays In – Fashion Edition

OK, so we are all being good kids and staying inside to prevent nasty Covid-19 spreading. What do you do when you eyeballs feel square from too much TV? I have a few ideas that I will share over the coming days.

Fashion Edition, possibly part 1

Today I am focusing on prepping for Spring – at the end of the winter before we say so long to the clothes that have kept us warm, over the past few months we need to:

  • Wash all knitwear – moths love, love, love any dirt or perspiration left on your favourite cashmere.
  • Clean your closet – the other things moths love is a still, dusty place so use this time to move your clothes around. I am going to move my rail so I can vacuum under and around it.
  • Have a tights and socks cull – go through your tights and socks to see which ones will last another season.
  • Boots and shoes – do they need a polish? Ones that need new soles put in a bag ready to visit the cobbler when we are all free again.

That is all for now as I know we are all stressed and re-adjusting to our new normal. At least new normal for a bit.

Take care!

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